Facts About the Air We Breathe

  1. An average person consumes 12 000 liters of air per day.
  2. We spend 90% of our time indoors, which means 90% of the air we breathe is indoor air, which is in total 10 800 liters of indoor air per day.
  3. Only 21% of the air we breathe is oxygen.
  4. Outdoor air contains approximately 400 ppm of CO2. Since breathing generates CO2, the indoor CO2 concentration will always be higher indoors, especially in bedrooms.
  5. For every 1000 square foot there is 26 pounds of dust per year, practically, most of the indoor air we breathe is dust.
  6. Where there is dust, there are dust mites. Dust mites feed on dust, so naturally, there are plenty of dust mites in our furniture and the air we breathe.
  7. Even small amounts of carbon monoxide can cause drowsiness and nausea. The most common sources of carbon monoxide in the air we breathe are heating devices and cigarette smoke. The enormous risk of carbon monoxide is its tendency to accumulate in enclosed spaces.

To make sure the air you breathe is clean, healthy, and safe, rich in oxygen, carbon monoxide free, you should

  • maintain your indoor temperature between 20 and 24 C degrees,
  • open the windows more frequently,
  • have regular HVAC maintenance appointments at least twice a year
  • dust weekly
  • quit smoking
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